Monday, October 27, 2014

Social Media - Friend or Foe?

Social Networking is a way of life in the world today. It is said that the average person checks their Iphone 150 times a day on average. I know this statistic to be true in my own life. I've grown up in the age of social networking. I got off the bus in middle school and raced inside the house so I could get on AIM (AOL instant messaging) and chat with my friends until dinner time. Its just been away of life for me. But this is a very controversial topic. 

Victor Balasa, creator of the article, Why Social Networking Isn't as Bad You Think shares all the positive points of the use of Social Networking in your day-to-day life. Balasa shares that in order for us to connect with as many people in real life as we do via social networking it would be disastrous. He describes that as humans we wear many masks, put on fronts for certain people and social media is an outlet for that. We can truly be ourselves  on our sites. It gives us a sense of security that face to face meetings do not.

Other bloggers have a different view on this topic such as Kelsey Sunstrum. Her article, How Social Media Effects Our Self-Perceptions tells of the dangers and cautions of social networking. She warns readers that sites such as Instagram lead us to feel depressed because of the pressure to post a fabulous picture where you look good have good clothes on and are with the right people doing the most fun activities. 

In my opinion, times have changed and Social Networking is a large part of life. Its a positive part of life if you use if for positive things. There is not a way around it. But we also don't need to use it as an excuse to lessen our face to face encounters with real life people. Having actual social skills are just as important as social networking skills. In order to be the best you possible focus on positive things in life and on social media.  Embrace change but don't forget where you came from. 

Week #1

Hello followers and welcome to The Creative Waitress. A blog about being just that, a creative waitress! My name is, Adrianna, I'm a Sophomore at Henderson State University studying Early Childhood Education. Prior to HSU I was born and raised in Hot Springs, Ar. I grew up primarily under my grandparents roof, not your typical home life, because of my experiences, school (especially elementary) was a safe haven for me. That is why I am so passionate about becoming an educator. I believe that it was the educators in my life that have lead me to be the person that I am today. Coming from a not so typical home it is imperative that I work my way through school in order to make my dreams reality. This blog will be where I share all my interesting stories about waiting tables and the customers I encounter. My post inspiration will come from other blogs about serving.  There might also be some juicy work drama, because what place of employment doesn't have a little bit of that going on?  But where does the creative part come in, I'm sure you're all wondering. I absolutely love to shop! You could say I have a passion for fashion (but I think that was the Bratz Dollz logo so don't run away with that).   I also love to decorate and "nest" if you will. Not only will I be sharing my work stories but I will also share my shopping halls and money saving tips for those of you other students and young people out there who are just starting out. Just because you don't have too much money to spend that doesn't mean you can't have nice things, right?